Infants and children

— An introduction to emotional development —

A parent's ability to be able to see and understand things through the eyes of their child is fundamental.

The child will come to feel truly known by the parent, and the parent helps him or her to make sense of what surrounds them. And where can true comfort be found? True comfort arises from the knowledge of a relationship that is based on trust. And what about the needs of the child of the past that dwells inside each 'adult' state?

This new book from author and therapist Mirabelle Maslin opens up a whole new world of understanding for parents and carers.

Read an interview with Mirabelle Maslin about the book.

Tina Turvey

A 'must read' for parents of all ages. If only I had been lucky enough to have read a book like this when my daughter was born 18 years ago.

Not only does Mirabelle show a real understanding and empathy of the stages from infants upwards, but also her advice is written in a way that would be easily comprehensible to most parents, young and older alike.

John & Wendy Elder

Wish we had had the benefit of something like this when the children were growing up (suspect the children wish we had too!).

One of the best books I have read on bringing up Infants and children; so easy to follow with no jargon and medical words which I couldn’t understand.

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Early nourishment: An excerpt from the book

When a baby is born, having only known life within a person, his perception is that he continues to dwell in a state where he is not a separate being. Any challenge that indicates that this is not so will fill him with intense alarm, and his normal reaction will be to scream as he feels torn away from what he can only perceive as himself.

The baby needs a lot of close physical contact with a parent person while he discovers that he is not part of the mother any more. Developing a clear grasp of being in a separate body evolves over a period of many months, but the process of discovering emotional separateness takes far longer. The baby has been born with a separate body, and daily experience gradually allows him to discover and perceive this. However, the perception and understanding of his emotions prior to his eventually being able to experience himself as a separate person is a process that is spread over years.

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